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r e c r u i t m e n t   C O U n S E L O R S

Recruitment Counselors, often referred to as "Rho Chis" are women who dedicate themselves to helping first year and upperclassmen women who are interested in Formal Recruitment navigate through the process. 

Each Recruitment Counselor is assigned to a floor in a residence hall and will reach out to the women who live on that floor by the beginning of fall break. 

Your Recruitment Counselor is your go-to person for any questions you may have about recruitment, what to wear, how the process works--no question is silly, and they are excited to get to know you! They will also reach out to you before every event held by sorority women on campus, and will offer to pick you up at your door and walk you to the event.

Baldwin Hall

Hayley Hollinshed - A1 and A2

Courtney Bedillion - A3

Autumn Clark - B2 and B3

Alison Celigoi - C2

Brooks Hall

Sarah Danles - 1st and 2nd

Erica Rodriguez - 3rd and 4th


Edwards Hall

Savannah Lorenc - 1st Floor

Ali Metzger - 2nd Floor

Kelly Sherretts - 2rd Floor

Walker Annex

Erica Rodriguez

Ravine Hall

Kayla McCandless - A Tower

Meghan Uht - C Tower & E Tower

Schultz Hall

Sam Adams - 2nd and 4th Floor

Caitlin Duebell - 3rd Floor

Commuters and Non-traditional Housing

Courtney Bedillion

If you have any questions about Recruitment Counselors, please contact Alison Celigoi at <celigoia>.

Thank you to all the amazing new recruitment counselors!

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